
Fabric Addict

I've gone fabric mad over the last couple of days! I just keep hitting the buy button! It started several days ago when I discovered The Dainty Squid was selling some of her beautiful collection off on her etsy site.  So I just had to buy these!!!

Of course this is coming from America so will take ages, so I headed over to my favourite online fabric shop Fabric Rehab (seriously, the fabrics are just gorgeous and the design of the website is just perfect....so easy to navigate!) Their sale page had several FQ for only £1.99!!! How could I resist!

This lion one is adorable!

This bird one is just mental:

And this one has elephants on it. What more do you want me to say?!

I then went into the Brighton Sewing Centre after work to pick up some elastic. Sadly they were out of the size I needed, and I somehow ended up buying some more sale fabrics....a purple floral and a black and white polka dot FQ (I'm too lazy to go take a photo right now, but trust me...they are stunning). 

I also ended up bidding (and winning) on this gorgeous Alexander Henry fabric on Fabric Yard's ebay:

Oh my! It's lovely! I cannot wait to get that through the post!

And of course, I've also got the fabric swap organised by Bluebell & Rosie. My swap partner is Katy from Miss Pixie's Crafts so I'm excited to get a surprise in the post! I've just packaged up her fabric to send off tomorrow! Hopefully I've made good choices! 

So there you have it folks; my name's Fran and I'm a fabric addict. 

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