
Featured Artist: Dotmund

Today I got really excited as I discovered the fantastic artwork of Dotmund. Actually it's quite embarrassing I've only just discovered it because:

1) We are Twitter buds
2) We are blog buds
3) I actually remembered raving about his artwork when a mutual friend showed me some stuff he'd done for her

So to sum up I'm an idiot, but that only makes me want to shout even louder about how awesome his artwork is!!!

I love this bear. I love how simple this picture is yet expresses so much character.

I am absolutely in love with the tortoise. He has exactly the right expression for a tortoise. My mum and stepdad have one. His name is Joey and he's a right little character. Over 70 years old, survived a war and yet his favourite game is to headbutt shoes. Tortoises are mental. 

Here are a few more of my favourites:

Dotmund also does personalised cartoon avatars for a tenner or for £25 you can get the original artwork too! Definitely something I shall consider in the future. As you can tell by my blog/twitter avatar - I am a massive fan of stuff like this!

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