
Link Love Sunday

This girl takes a bunch of photos of herself jumping until she gets the perfect one that makes it look like she's levitating! Amazing!

Thriftola is like an online charity shop full of only the good stuff! Ranging from 1950's typewriters to 1980's shaped rubbers (as pictured below) this site has some great finds!

(via: Thriftola)

How awesome is this owl messenger bag!

I absolutely adore these vintage suitcases that have been turned into tables. Sadly I have no room for one at the moment, but Tom has promised me he'll make me one in the future! Hooray! I can't wait. They look gorgeous. 

How lovely are these vintage style prints? Of course I love this one as it has a teapot on it!

Someone sent me a link to Zoo Borns on Twitter and seriously, I cannot get enough of it. Baby animals are always a winner. My favourites are always the big cats! 

(Via: Zoo Borns)

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