
Project 365

Lots of blogs I follow do something called Project 365. The idea being you post a picture every day. As I just got a new camera (and seriously am no photographer) I thought this would be a nice little project to work on. It'll make sure I use my camera, plus it's almost a bit like a diary of the year. I can look back and have something to represent it!

I'm pretty terrible at spotting good things to take photos of, so it'll be interesting to see what I choose!

Here's a round up of my first week:

My friend's crazy cat Pedro saying Hi to the fish:

Beautiful baby Rowan aged 4 weeks:

Thrifty finds by my Mum - toy patterns - 20p each! Bargain:

My Dad up the apple tree - in preparation for our blackberry and apple pie:

My new 'controversial' willow pattern mug (controversial as Sainsbury's are ripping off the original!):

New shoes. Pretty little ballet pumps:

A cute old campervan I saw parked near Queen's Park:

A teeny tiny dress crocheted from artificial hair:

(Click on any of the images to see the larger originals)

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