
How To Be a Woman

I've been meaning to share my thoughts on Caitlin Moran's new book entitled 'How To Be a Woman' for a while now. Last week I also went to hear her talk about said book at the Old Market in Hove. Having already read the book I found she didn't particularly say anything new - yet it was thoroughly enjoyable watching a woman so animated, gesticulate her way through a cacophony of sentences she couldn't possibly have strung together with any more gusto! (Also Alexis Petridis was interviewing her - brilliant).

'How To Be a Woman' is at its roots a book about feminism yet it's written in Caitlin's down to earth, accessible style boycotting any of the theory behind feminism that can often scare people off the topic altogether. At first, I was actually quite reluctant to read this book if I'm entirely honest. The reason? It looked quite trashy and I'm a bit of a book snob. Don't get me wrong, I'll happily engage in some trash now and then but, on the subject of feminism, I suspected it might be quite a cringeworthy read.

I couldn't have been more wrong. For starters, Caitlin uses anecdotes (very very personal anecdotes!) from her own life and childhood that are laugh out loud funny, and talks about feminism with such ease it makes you feel stupid you were ever so pretentious about your attitude towards it.

The point of the book is to make sure people are still talking about feminism and this is something that really resonates with me. Many people I know when asked if they identify as a feminist have answered no. Why is this? My personal belief is that people think feminism is about being into hardcore politics, knowing everything about the subject and hating men. Which in actual fact couldn't be further from the truth. Feminism is simply about equality with men. It doesn't mean 'I AM A WOMAN THEREFORE I MUST PUT UP SHELVES AND GO FISHING'. It just means you can if you want to. There are no hard and fast rules of feminism. You can still be a stay at home mum and be a feminist. You can still spend your days baking cupcakes and be a feminist. You can still wear high heels and be a feminist! The point is, you have the choice, the freedom and the equality to do what you want to do.

Caitlin talks candidly in her book about many of the issues women face on a day to day basis that just aren't talked about from periods, female masturbation to abortion. Issues that women everywhere are dealing with, but that we are still brushing under the carpet and pretending it doesn't happen.

One of my favourite parts of the book was when she talks about pubic hair. In the last decade there has become a massive trend for women to rid themselves of pubic hair altogether. The Brazilian has become THE trend. As a result women feel like they *have* to do it, they feel like men won't find them sexy if they have any pubic hair and so grown woman are walking around looking like a child in their downstairs area. These small issues, which frankly aren't going to crumble feminism, are however chipping away at it, undermining all of the hard work that has got women where they are today. Magazines encouraging women to be stick thin, wear high heels, and wear teeny tiny pants. All of it is bullshit, and part of feminism is about standing up to all that crap and going 'No more! I don't have to subject myself to this crap anymore!"

I doubt 'How To Be a Woman' is going to be a life changing read for anyone, it doesn't cover heavyweight topics such as female circumcision, equal pay, the lack of women in politics, or the treatment of women in less developed countries. It did however, poke me in the ribs and remind me to not forget how far we've come and to not get complacent just because we've got here. And of course, it's bloody funny; so funny you'll be getting looks from strangers for snort laughing on the bus to work!

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