
Blueberry and Orange Cupcakes

Sorry for the lack of posting this week. It's been my first week off work and with such glorious weather I have mostly been outside basking in the sunshine! On Tuesday I came up to Gloucestershire to visit my Mum and Stepdad which was perfect as they have a suntrap of a garden! In my current flat I *technically* have a garden, but it gets absolutely no sun and is basically a mud pit so sadly it's just an overgrown mess. So for me, being able to sit outside without planning it, is a complete luxury!

Today however has been rather wet, and so I decided to bake some cupcakes from a recipe I found last week over at Cakes and Other Things. When I laid my eyes on those beautiful cupcakes I had-had- HAD to make them! So this morning I've been making a lot of mess in my Mum's kitchen and here are the finished results!

I love how messy they are! In Emma Jane's recipe she couldn't remember how many cupcakes the mixture made, but mine easily made 24! The icing however was a bit of a stretch so I'd recommend upping the amount of icing sugar too. 

Most importantly however, is how they taste and I can happily say they taste fantastic! You can find the recipe for these cupcakes here.

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