

Apart from fabric I collect a few other things. The first is skulls. I'm not really sure why I started collecting skulls. I think it dates back to my teen years of being a rocker and thinking they were cool! My taste in skulls is I would like to think much more refined now, and I admit I am actually really picky! If you collect something then you'll know that as soon as people find out about it, they are likely to buy you ANYTHING with it on, which is really sweet and thoughtful...but can lead to some awful choices! Here are a few of my favourite skulls I have around the flat:

These are amazing! They are salt and pepper shakers and were a gift from my friend Sam! I absolutely adore them. You can find them on the internet, but Evolution were selling them for a while (which is where I suspect Sam got them from.)

I found this skull in The Market Place in the South Lanes. It's a little trinket box. The top of the skull comes off so you can store keepsakes inside! It was bargain price too. 

I designed this at the fabulous Paint Pots on Trafalgar Street. How could I resist!

I bought this giant polystyrene skull from a Clinton Cards in Northampton some years ago. He merrily sits on my floor. 

My friend Katie bought me this as a gift a few years ago. I can't handle (no pun intended) using it as a mug (I'm very odd about mugs.....weird ones freak me out from a practical point of view) so I use it to store bits and bobs. 

Every now and then chainstores come up with some good skull designs! A few years ago Paperchase did this excellent stationary.

They even did some tupperware! I have 3 all in different sizes!

The other thing I collect is Willow pattern china. I absolutely adore it! It started when my Grandma passed away and I asked my Mum if I could have Grandma's willow pattern teacups. The love for it grew from there coupled with my love of a good bargain at a car boot. Car boots and charity shops are full of it and I got some excellent pieces for next to nothing. 

(This is just some of it!)

It's so funny having a collection. When I was a kid I collected so many things from stamps, to those clip on animals! As an adult I've definitely noticed that there are things I own that seem like collections, but actually I just happen to have a lot of them. Take bags for instance. I own a lot of bags (ahem and dresses) but I certainly don't collect them. Are you a collector? What do you collect and why?

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