
When things go wrong

I've had one of those days today. You know the sort; the kind of day where you phone up the bank to do something simple but they refuse point blank to help you. The kind where you stub your toe, the open ended packet of spaghetti falls on your head or a mango explodes in your hand. Hmmm. THAT kind of day.

So I should have known better than attempt to make a birthday present today, but I did it anyway with disastrous results! Many of the blogs I follow are full of such perfectly hand crafted goodies, that sometimes you just want to scream 'Argghhh! But life is never that perfect!" And of course it's not, they just choose not to share the imperfections! Well in this post I will - in the hope that if you are having that kind of day too, that at least you can find comfort in the fact that other people make mistakes too.

So I started out well. I'd decided to use a variety of different types of fabric to make a little purse - and I was really happy with the design.

So can you spot my mistake? It's so obvious! I haven't left any room for seam allowance which means....yep you guessed it folks...my end result was a squished up mess

The zip wasn't great either, but it would have been acceptable...but the design is completely lost and it just looks messy. On the positive side, the back still looks good! Haha
I'm going to try and salvage it though by unpicking the design, it has lining however so could be interesting! Still, I tried though right?!

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