
Making a button box

I've had an idea for the lovely cow fabric I found in Brisbane for a few days now. I really liked the shape of the persil boxes, and decided it would be a great idea to cover one with fabric (very Blue Peter). I wasn't really sure how it would turn out, but tonight I gave it a go and I'm really happy with the results!

I simply glued the fabric to the box using my trusty glue gun (thanks hobbycraft). Once I'd finished that I wondered what it might look like to glue buttons on the top. 
So of course it only made sense that it became the place to store my ridiculous collection of buttons!

I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out. It's very unlike me to just "see how it goes" as I'm such a planner! Will try and be more sporadic from now on!

Finally, just a quick update on how my "hugs" cross stitch is going. It's getting there. Nearly finished the H. So close! 

In the next few weeks I'm going to concentrate on knitting my squares for the bus yarnbombing! I've already reached over £170 so want to make sure I've got time to do a few interesting patterns!!

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