
Sewing Machine Cover

Hello! It's been a while since I've blogged. It's been pretty hectic since I came back from Australia! Hopefully I will be finding much more time to do crafty projects though as I've decided to go part time at work.

So my first project on my return was to make a new cover for my sewing machine. The current one was ripped, but horrible anyway! It was white and plasticy. Ick ick ick.

I did actually make a pattern for this one, but still made some of it up as I went along. I was going to use my fabulous teacup fabric I bought from columbia road but in the end I decided on an old school sailor tattoo fabric. The great thing about this is it's upcycling! A friend of mine gave me a beautiful dress which I wore several times, but was a bit of an odd cut so I decided it would be perfect for this project! (Hope you don't mind Nats, you did say I could cut it up!!!

My own little critique to myself would be to improve the hole for the handle. It's not bad but not the best sewing I've ever done! Next time, I'd consider lining it. The fabric is quite thin so it's a little flimsy. Having said that, if it was too thick it wouldn't slip on as easily.

What do you think?

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