
Link Love Sunday

I adore these tree coasters! Find out how to make them yourself here.

Who doesn't need a dino hoodie in their lives? This are utterly fantastic. Want want want. Plus they are all handmade. Fabulous

This is a great tutorial for a beautiful corsage. Really top quality. I'm very impressed.

(Via: Holidash)

I really love Tiffany lamps. One day I will own one. Hopefully I'll find one at a carboot sale for a fiver. That would be a dream come true!

Remember this post where I made those gorgeous blueberry and orange cupcakes from a recipe over at Cakes and Other Things? Well the lovely Emma Jane has posted a new recipe for this delicious looking lemon cake! I adore lemon drizzle cake. It's up there with cheesecake and key lime pie. The fact it has icing just makes it even better. I will definitely be making this cake soon. You can find the recipe here

One of my favourite galleries is Castor + Pollux in Brighton. Right on the seafront it's just as small little place but has some amazing artists featured there. Currently you can see new prints from Lo Cole. I urge you to go check it out. 

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