
Link Love Sunday

I thought this week I'd have a theme for Link Love Sunday, and that theme is.....AUTUMN! Autumn is a funny one for me, it's one of my favourite seasons because I love, love, love the colours. I love walking to work, kicking the leaves, a gentle breeze through my hair, wearing tights and boots and scarves. It means Halloween is just around the corner and Bonfire Night soon after that. Yet it also means the nights are getting longer and the days much shorter, and for me that's not a good thing. As regular readers will know, having suffered with depression - darker days and long dark nights are not good for me and it means everyday life is just that extra bit harder.

So instead I'm going to post about all the things I do love about Autumn to help me focus on those rather than all of the light we'll soon be losing.

1) The beautiful leaves! Such fantastic colours and shapes

2) Getting to wear boots! I absolutely adore the boots/tights combo. 

(Via: New Look)

3) Baking! Ok I love baking at any time through the year, but there's nothing like baking cakes on a blustery saturday afternoon in Autumn. 

4) Curling up with a good book under a blanket. Autumn gives you the excuse to not have to go out if you don't want to.  

(Via: Piccsy)

5) New TV shows! "Fall shows" from America and the Autumn schedule over here in the UK. I'm particularly looking forward to the new series of Downton Abbey, New Girl and The Playboy Club.

6) Beautiful walks in the countryside. Over just a few weeks the colours of the leaves will change so fast. I love going to Stanmer Park every week for a month over Autumn and seeing how quickly everything changes. 

(Via: The Telegraph

7) Roast dinners - Ok us Brits love our roast dinners all year round, but often in Summer (when it's been a good Summer) you don't really fancy it. Come Autumn, pork crackling and roast potatoes is a must!

8) Hot Chocolate. Big mugs of chocolate and hot milk with whipped cream and marshmallows. Mmmm gorgeous. 

9) Being cosy! Whether it's big chunky knit cardigans, slippers or hot water bottles. Being cosy is great!

(Via: Pinterest)

10) Knitting! Autumn is definitely the time I want to get out my knitting needles and start making something nice for the winter. 

What are your favourite things about Autumn?

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