
My squares are complete!

Finally finished my 10 squares for the yarnbombing! It's been a while since I've done much knitting, but I have to say it's made me get the urge to work on a knitted project now! So we'll see :)

For those of you that don't know what on earth I'm talking about I shall explain! Cocoon Knits in Hove organised a yarnbombing fundraiser in order to raise money for the Martlets Hospice. Yarnbombing basically means, covering something completely in yarn! This particular yarnbombing will cover an entire Brighton & Hove double decker bus! The Martlets Hospice looks after terminally ill people in their last weeks/days and so is a fantastic cause. As well as that, after the event the knitted "bus cosy" will be broken down into blankets and sent to Africa for Aids orphans. So 2 very fantastic causes. So far I've managed to raise £135, but if you'd like to sponsor me you can do so here.

The bus will be going along the seafront on the 20th August, so make sure to head down to check it out! I will of course be posted lots of pictures!

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