
Teapot Tote Bag

Hello lovely people. Just finished off this hella cute tote bag. I absolutely adore it!

It's based on my favourite necklace, which for a while I was contemplating getting tattooed on my wrist. Now for those of you that don't me; I ALWAYS change my mind. I get really into something, am completely psyched up about it, and then the next week I can feel completely differently. Take dresses for example; I'll buy a new one, it's my ultimate fave. I'll wear it all the time and think it looks great, and then a month later I have the capability of doing a complete U turn on my opinion. As a result, it's probably not a good idea I get anything tattooed on my body. I'll inevitably end up hating it.

The gorgeous red and white polka dot fabric was a gift from my friend Alice for my birthday. She had brilliantly wrapped my other presents up in the fabric! Amazing.

The buttons were made my simply covering some plain ones with said fabric. Don't they look so cute?

I also taught myself how to miter corners just by looking at another bag with a similar design. Really happy with the results.

I definitely think this bag needs a patching purse....perhaps a teacup purse?!

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