
The dragon is complete!!

I've FINALLY finished the dragon! Thank god! He has been one of the most taxing toys to make. But I'm just going to accept the fact he's not perfect, but that's what homemade is all about right?

As I mentioned before, I'm taking part in a charity yarnbombing event to raise money for the martlets hospice, as well as give blankets to AIDS orphans if Africa.  I've started making my squares this week when I've had some time here and there:

Each of this is done slightly differently... the grey is all knit, the pink, knit a row, purl a row, and the cream is k1, p1. After these I'll start doing some more variation such as stripes and patterns. If you'd like to sponsor me I've set up a just giving page here.

Haven't had much time to craft this week, especially as I've been quite poorly. Haven't even done any cross stitch!! This morning however, my friend Alice came over and wanted me to show her how to make a simple cushion cover with some beautiful fabric she bought. 

She did a fab job, and the end result looked brilliant!

Cushion covers are so easy to make if you do an open seamed back. There is a great youtube tutorial here but basically just allow 1 inch seam allowance, for the front, and for the back a 1inch seam allowance for the width, and 4 inches for the length.

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