
Black and White Corsage

As I mentioned, I'm off on holiday next week and up to Tom's at the weekend so this will be my last post for a few weeks. This evening I made another corsage. This one is made out of the beautiful black and white rose fabric I bought the other week from Beyond Fabrics and an old H&M checked dress I cut up! The button I do believe was a spare from some item of clothing or other, so it's very nearly an upcycled piece!

This one only took an hour to make (in the time it took me to watch candy cabs haha) which is good to know! When I get back I think I'll try and do some more elaborate ones, perhaps with ribbon too as I just came across a whole drawer full! 
Hopefully I can happen upon some crafting shops over in Brisbane. My aunty is a home ec teacher so hopefully she can teach me a thing or two!

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