
Current Projects

I'm working on a lot of secret projects at the moment. I've just finished off two presents for my best friend for her birthday. Check out her tumblr for all the excellent stuff she makes!!

Anyway, her birthday is very soon...so I'll post the pics of the very exciting things I've made her once she's received them!!!

The other thing I've been working on is a dragon for my friend James. He's a massive dragon fan, so I thought I'd attempt a more complicated pattern.

I bought the pattern from DIY Fluffies off etsy. The great thing about this site is they send the pattern via email so you don't have to wait for it to be shipped!

I'm always buying so much fabric, that I try and use up what I have rather than buying new all the time. I decided to do the dragon in black and cherry patterned cotton, with red felt for the spikey tail.

The back in particular was a particular bugger but I got there in the end:

I've so far got all the bits done, and now just need to attach them all! Sadly, he's got a bit of a dodgy leg, but I'm going to try and finish him off by hand. Final pictures to follow!

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