
Link Love Sunday

I love maps and this link is fab - 25 map inspired crafty goodness!

(Via: Babble)

I adore everything in the Flapper Doodle shop, but I particularly love the designs in this calendar - gorgeous.

Regular readers will know how big a fan I am of antique sewing machines. So when I saw this article my eyes lit up! Harry Berzack owns 500 antique sewing machines and they are stunning!

Monkeys!!!!!!! This tray is too cute.

This design was done by the fabulous Georgia Coote's Mum! When I saw it I was reminded of not only Alice and Wonderland but a book I had as a kid called Snow White and Rose Red. Did anyone have that book? The inside cover was beautiful!

This tutorial on how to make a cute little lace flower brooch is definitely worth checking out.

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