
How I Acquired a Vintage Singer Sewing Machine

For a while I've wanted an old singer sewing machine. They are such beautiful machines I had to own one! Sadly  they have risen in popularity (probably due to All Saints displaying them in their shop windows!) and so have also risen in price.

Still, I was determined I'd be able to hunt one out at a bargain price so constantly had my eyes peeled at car boots. After one successful Sunday carbooting, I'd spotted one in fantastic condition but was a whopping £40. I just wasn't prepared to pay that. I sent my Mum a text telling her I was disappointed but thought it was the right decision not to get it. 

Later on that night my Mum replied saying "I've found you a sewing machine!" I couldn't believe my eyes! "Are you sure?" I replied, sending her a photo of what I was after. "Yep" she replied "That's the one". 

That afternoon my Mum and my stepdad Richard had been having lunch with my Great Aunt - Gwen. Gwen is a fantastic woman; in her 80s and still sprightly and upbeat. Mum had been telling her how I'd been after an old sewing machine, and Gwen simply replied "Oh, she can have mine!". As it turns out, Gwen had exactly what I was after sat gathering dust in her spare room. Dated 1950, the machine was in excellent condition and Gwen was more than happy for me to have it! I was over the moon. 

Gwen used to make all her dresses on this machine and I'm so honoured that she's letting me have it. The fact it's from her makes it even more special too as I know it's history. Thank you Gwen!

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