
Link Love Sunday

Most people post their blog posts on a Friday. I personally choose not to do this as for me the end of the week is Sunday. It also means you get something to read today! :)

Tom sent me a link to this book this morning and I want it so much!

The Guardian did a selection of some of the images; this is definitely one of my favourites:

I love this awesome 'happy hands' necklace over at Stars n Scars:

I am completely in love with these felt brooches made by Mollbird. I want one so bad!

I would love to have lamps like these in my house!
(Via: OhDeeDoh)

This has to be the best craft room I've ever seen?

If like me you are forever looking for sewing patterns you'll love this link! 101 sewing tutorials for summer!

One of my favourites includes this skirt - my next make perhaps?

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