
Finding the Time

I am scared.

Why? Because on Monday I start a new job and will be back to a 40 hour working week. I'm not scared of that (well the usual WHAT IF EVERYONE HATES ME AND I AM COMPLETELY USELESS fears but nothing out of the ordinary). I'm scared of everything I have gained from having 5 weeks off.

Prior to my month off work, I was working part time for 3 months. Both of these things have given me one of the greatest gifts any creative person could ask for; time. I had all this lovely time for which I could frolic about in and not have the pressure of "WELL YOU ONLY HAVE 2 HOURS OF YOUR OWN FREE TIME IN WHICH TO DO SOMETHING CREATIVE, FUN AND PRODUCTIVE - GO!" thoughts (ok I'm going to stop with the caps lock now, that's kind of annoying, but you get my point).

I've been prolific in blog writing, had the time and space to work on different types of craft projects. I could start a new project and know that it didn't matter because I'd have time to go back to the other one. I had lists and lists of nice things to do - learn to crochet, make a skirt, make gifts for friends, work on my cross stitch, try out some embroidery, bake a cake and those are just the crafty things not even mentioning all of the other lovely things I've been able to do. Obviously it's allowed me the freedom to live my life at a much slower pace, and I have enjoyed it immensely.

So this is why I'm scared. As of next week all of that disappears and the majority of my time will be spent at work meaning all of these things I love have to take a back seat. I'm scared I won't find time for them again, or if I do that they will feel rushed and I'll feel like I have to do them. Not to mention fitting in a boyfriend that lives in North London, friends, family, cooking, cleaning, buying food, making sure I use my car regularly so it doesn't die (again) and I'm not even going to mention exercise!

This is my dilemma and I'm sure it's the dilemma of most people reading this right now. Finding time for all the things we want to do, as well as the things we have to do. Not to mention time to do nothing, something that is incredibly vital to my well being.

So how do we do it? How do we find the balance between work and play? For some people maybe it's easier. Maybe a half hour sit down in front of the telly, or an evening spent at the gym is enough? Maybe a Friday night out on the town or a few beers with friends satisfies. For me, my spare time is a precious commodity; I need as much of it as I can get.

In the UK we seem to live in a work hard, play hard culture. Maybe that works for some, but for the most part I think we are just overdoing it. Maybe it's because we have to, we need the money and part time hours aren't going to pay the bills and support a family, or maybe it's because we think it's what's expected of us?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. How do you find the balance between work and your spare time?

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