
Reviews Ipod Generation Model

Ipod proved a huge success in the marketplace despite sharp criticism because of the rather high price in March 2002, Apple It was announced 10 GB version $ 499.

The iPod first generation is the first form of the Declaration of the Apple iPod, iPod October 23, 2001 original price $ 399 5 GB first generation iPod hard drive.Including four buttons (Menu, Play / Pause, Back and Forward) arranged around the perimeter of the Rings, and select button in the middle. Apple designed a mechanical scroll wheel and external implementation and development to Synaptic, a company that develops and monitors from Apple PowerBooks.

The second generation iPod comes in 10 GB and 20 GB capacity and is set on July 17, 2002 in Macworld, as well as the original mechanical scroll wheel has been replaced with touch-sensitive, Mechanical one (manufactured by Synaptics), known as "touch wheel". In December 2002, Apple released four limited edition laser engraved, iPod and Beck signed by Tony Hawk, Madonna, no doubt. They sell more than $ 50 regular retail price in that capacity until the end.

In third-generation iPod features of the four buttons above the wheel connection to select "a bit smaller than its predecessor, Apple CEO Steve Jobs on April 28, 2003. They obviously slanted edge and Apple to produce 10 GB, 15 GB, 20 GB, 40 GB and 30 GB version. Using a 30-pin connector called the Dock Connector iPod (longer and flatter than a Fire Wire connector.) Available in iPod Dock and one with all but the cheapest iPod and retail separately. This includes touch-sensitive buttons located between screen and touch wheel. Including the new red button lighting, which allows to be used more easily in the dark.

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