
Why do I keep fjorkin' up?

I forgot to share with everybody the bountiful booty that I took home from my big ORAMM not-win. I got a prototype/ride-at-your-own-risk-tire from Specialized, a pair of Fox board shorts, and this "Ride the Pisgah" shirt.

I though that the rider printed on the high quality blue T-shirt was none other than Jeremiah Bisquick, but on closer inspection I realized that it couldn't be. Jebediah rolls a Lefty, but the rider depicted on the shirt is on a Righty.

I have no idea.

Just last week, I mentioned the purchase of a squishy fjork for the Breck Epic.

The next day I posted that I had a chance to ride the fjork, and then I boxed up my bike and shipped it out.

I never said that the fjork was still on the bike when I boxed it up.

I wanted to take that photo with today's paper (kidnapper style), but I don't get the paper. Instead I'm holding Eric Van Driver's Bubba Ho-Tep DVD that I've been reluctant to return for over nine months. This does nothing to date the photo, but it does make me feel like a bad borrower.

When will Bruce Campbell get his Lifetime Achievement Oscar? When?

On the way up to Lake Norman for the ride heard 'round the world, I kept looking in my rear-view mirror at my now fjork shod bike. I was trying to imagine riding the descents at Breck with a squishy fjork, but I just couldn't see it. Last Wednesday's ride was a pleasant experience with the fjork, but I knew it had to come off when I got home. The voices in my head spoke, and the ears in my head listened.

I am planning to ride a fjork in the "off season," maybe even as soon as I get home from Breck, but not now. As a matter of fact, I'm going to sell this fjork and replace it with a white one as soon as possible. The white one will be much faster... that is unless you're interested in buying the black one, in which case the black is faster.

If you want a 2012 Sid RL fjork, let me know. Very best price, ridden once by a little old man who was not on his way to church at the time, 170mm steer tube, black (which makes it fast).

Thanks to everyone that helped me get the fjork and all its associated pieces/parts in time for Breck even though it is staying at home. Knowing what I know is better than going with not knowing what I don't know now.


BTW: Any Breck Epic'ers or Denverites wanna give Peter and I a ride to/from the airport? We can pay in stickers and free Subway coupons.... or a shiny black fjork.

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