
Stuff I shoulda mentioned some time ago

I have been remiss in my blogging duties. After losing the Topeak Ergon Basecamp contest, I did receive all manner of goods from both Topeak and Ergon as a consolation prize for being "not a winner." Since I prefer to actually try a product before I write about it, I have waited until I've actually used the items multiple times... and then I forgot to write about them entirely.

Until now.

Since not much is going on here aside from sickness, lethargy, and weight gain, here goes.

I got this very large mini-pump.

At least I was led to believe that it was a mini-pump.

I was confused. It seemed a bit large for a mini-pump, but it did come with a quiver type carrying sheath.

I was not comfortable riding with the pump on my back. I called Eddie O'dea, and he told me that I was doing it wrong. It was meant to be worn as a waist mounted scabbard.

I couldn't figure that one out.

I called Namrita and she was nice enough to tell me that Eddie was messing with me. He was just looking for a reason to break out his label maker. It was not a mini-pump at all. It was actually the Mega Morph portable floor pump.

Now I like it much more better than when I thought it was an impractically large mini-pump. Back when I had my Element (AKA The Dirty Little Box), I just carried a full-size pump that lived in its roomy interior. Now that I have my much smaller Fit, that pump took up too much room and was a general pain in the ass. The Mega Morph stows away nice and tidy like, and I've pulled it out quite a few times at the trailhead. Guess what? It works like a pump, putting air in tires and so forth.


I also got the Smart Gauge D2.

What's to like? Since I really sweat tire pressure, I'm really into pressure gauges. This one beats them all, as it is the only one I've ever used with a bleed valve, and that bleed valve bleeds air s-l-o-w-l-y. No more pulling the gauge off, hitting the presta valve, putting the guage back on, realizing that I let too much air out, breaking out the pump, putting the gauge back on, hitting the presta valve...

You see where this is going.

Topeak was kind enough to throw in a feature laden chain tool and a couple tire levers to toss into my extensive tire lever collection. I have used the chain tool and it does indeed work just like a chain tool should. I could not use all the features it had to offer, but I did stir my coffee with the tire levers.

I am happy with my new Topeak stuff, but I still feel like giving it my



I would have rather gone to Sedona and played in the desert with Baller George, Michele, and Alan... and those athletic types who race for Team Topeak Ergon.

BTW: Peter has figured out a way that you can help me make great bike race... or perhaps make me less short.

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