
Doing a hundred on the highway


Last night I came home from work and had the same sensible meal that I ate the night before. I then headed out to the Tarheel Trailblazers meeting around 7:00PM aboard the Fastest Bike in the World. I drank a beer, talked to Lee about the North Carolina Single Speed Championship, listened anxiously about a possible new skills park in the area (I need to work on my skilz), and awaited the arrival of Zac and Dude.

An attractive waitress asked if we wanted a free pizza. She must have known that I'm famous. Of course I said yes, as the beer that the Mudman had bought me needed some company.

Zac and Dude show up after we polished off the pizza, and when the meeting ended we headed over to the Pizza Peel for beer poker. The lady sitting next to us left her to-go styro behind, and being that I had already had my fair share of free pizza, I let the others have it.

Once again, an attractive waitress asked if we wanted a free pizza. Sure, but we need more beer to wash it down. I wonder if women give Jon Bon Jovi this much pizza. I think not.

And that's how well the weight loss is going for the Breck Epic. Nobody ever offers me free pizzas when I need them.

The 24 Hour Worlds announced the next date and location. Oddly enough they are skipping 2011. Since no one party can actually put a legal claim on holding the Worlds, I decided that the ride I did on Wednesday was actually the 2011 Worlds. It was not highly promoted or well attended, but neither are the other Worlds events.

Guess what?

I won.

I am now a two time 24 Hour Solo Single Speed World Champ... just like the West Coast yin to my East Coast wang, Grig Martin.

I would seem that certain mountain bikers were caught in the act of being dicks while bombing down some trails in Pisgah. Wonderful. Asshole will be dicks, I guess. The first thing I think AND SAY when I run up on some hikers unexpectedly is "Sorry." If they take the initiative to step off the trail, I let them know how many more are in our group before I leave the area. If it's a big group of hikers, I'll hold up and slow the other riders down.

But this guy just screams "Get outta the way!"


Nothing would make me more happier than hearing that trails like Pilot Rock and Black Mountain were closed to bikes due to user conflict. They're way too fast and fun... and who wants to keep riding down fast and fun trails?

Please don't be an asshole. If for any reason you have a close encounter with another trail user (horse, hiker, trail worker), be nice, be apologetic, be friendly, be anything but an asshole.

And the guy who yelled at the people impeding his shredding good time going down Pilot Rock? He has been apprehended, and park officials say that it will be a long time before they let Ludacris back in the forest.

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