
I didn't think it was a nice day for a white wedding, but who am I to judge?

If you are not from around these parts or have just never raced ORAMM, then I have the virtual experience for you. I saw this video on the Hawley blog, shot by Mountain Bike Mike, that pretty much sums up the whole experience in @15 minutes (assuming you were unfortunately riding with Billy Idol on your shoulder singing in your ear).

What's there to see in the video?

What it looks like when 500 people go by at the start line. Apparently some people are not in a very big hurry.

At @ 1:50 you'll see me blow by the camera man on my way to glory... or something close to it.

This guy was messing with his shit when I went by, and apparently the camera man was just as interested in helping him as I was.

The funny thing is, later he blows by the camera man on the grassy road only to be caught even later on the side of the same grassy road looking at his bike in disgust and despair.

The camera man tries to ride across the Death Roots on Heartbreak (that I walk every year)...

and fails.

Somewhere towards the end of the video, Kurt Rampton of Faster Mustache takes off the head of a volunteer with a well aimed gel pack.

This video does a great job capturing the steepness of the climbs and such, so I highly recommend viewing it when you have time... unless you are allergic to Billy Idol.

Tomorrow: All the questions that you didn't bother to ask about my performance at ORAMM will be answered.

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